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Bayport-Blue Point Foundation honors BBP Superintendent

by James March

After a two-year pandemic-fueled hiatus, The Bayport-Blue Point Foundation was able to hold its annual fundraiser in hopes of replenishing its depleted treasury. This local 501(c)3 charity was created in 1989 and boasts having redistributed over 1.2 million dollars of donations it has received to worthy causes within the BBP Community since then.

On the morning of Monday October 3rd, over one hundred hearty souls braved the rain drenched golf course at Bellport Country Club to kick-off the day's events, among them the Foundation's 2022 Good-Will Person of the Year Bayport-Blue Point Superintendent of Schools Timothy P. Hearney, Ed.D. Remarkably, a vast majority completed the eighteen holes under dismal weather conditions, including Dr. Hearney's foursome!

Following the competition nearly one hundred additional guests joined forces with the toweled down duffers to pay tribute to the honoree at the indoor dinner ceremony. Speakers Melissa Weinstein (Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent of Schools) and Anthony Annunziato (former BBP Superintendent) shared their personal knowledge of Tim's altruistic and compassionate nature in an emotional presentation. They stressed that his untiring leadership and communicative skills made him the right person to guide the district and its students through times of crisis. After which, the members of the Foundation bestowed a plague upon Dr. Hearney commemorating those very traits that made him this year's most worthy recipient.

In retrospect, the turnout and participation on such a bad weather day speaks volumes of the loyal supporters of the BBP Foundation and the high regard they have for Tim Hearney. That combined effort resulted in a bountiful conclusion that will allow the Foundation to continue spreading its good will among its neighbors in need!



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207 Atlantic Ave Blue Point, NY 11715


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