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Eagle Scout Creates Bat Houses for New Library Location

Jack Baron, a junior at Bayport Blue Point High School and Boy Scout with Troop 130, recently set out to create his Eagle Scout Project. “Knowing the location of the new Bayport Blue Point Library a light bulb suddenly went off.” Baron recalled “I knew exactly what I wanted to do for the community.” A few years ago, a family friend who lived off Middle Rd near the wetlands asked his mother if she knew anyone who could build a bat house as a way to handle the overwhelming mosquito population. “Her husband was being eaten alive,” Baron explained “When I heard the story, I jumped for the job, and started my research.”

With the new library set to be built in this location, Baron knew it would be the perfect project to help his community. He developed the concept with a small amount of help from his father. The idea was to create bat houses and community benches outdoors at the new library location. Hopefully the bats would nest there and eat the surrounding mosquitos, thus preventing the mosquitos from eating the library patrons while they enjoy the benches on the gorgeous new library grounds.

The two benches and two bat houses were installed in early January. “I was hoping to get it completed earlier but the process slowed down when the pandemic hit and should be done in a safe matter.” Baron said “The benches and Bat houses were handcrafted by my fellow boy scouts of Troop 130 as I directed. I have to say Cade Nasca was there from start to finish with me, with the craft work. During the pandemic, my fellow boy scouts showed up ready to work, masks on and 6 feet apart. We worked mostly in the evenings, sometimes under lights. Some nights were bitter cold but progress continued with some laughs. I couldn’t be prouder of the benches and bat houses. Thank you to a great team of boy scouts: Cade Nasca, Tyler Teufel, Zachary Teufel, Robert Honey, Jack Schoenhaar, Alfonso Zavala, Jack McNeill, Matthew Bacheck, Logan Robertson, Brayden Robertson, and Mr. McAward.”

Jack Baron would also like to thank Mike Firestone, Gary Gonzalez and Gary Block for their continued support with his Eagle Project, especially for the wonderful words of encouragement and for providing approval and access to the new library location. “The benches and the bat houses look great, good job!’’ praised Mr. Block.



Contact Gala for more details!

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207 Atlantic Ave Blue Point, NY 11715


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