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Fencing with Bobby Newbeck!

About a year ago, BBP Junior Bobby Newbeck decided that he wanted to try something new. A friend suggested that he join a fencing club in Sayville, and he thought – why not? He said, “I went to the club, tried it out and decided that I liked it”. When asked what he likes about it, Bobby, 16, said jokingly, “it’s kind of fun to stab people.” After working with the club for a while, they asked him to join the school team in Sayville. “There’s some fancy footwork and choices of style and weapons.” Bobby said about what makes it an interesting sport.

Fencing is normally a fall sport, but with the abbreviated seasons this year, it is being played in the current season. Bobby said that there’s about 10 kids on the boys fencing team and they’ve had 4 matches at the time we talked. BBP has a few sports where our athletes combine with other schools to play including swimming, ice hockey and boys volleyball. But, if enough people are interested, maybe we can get our own team formed in the next few years.



Contact Gala for more details!

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207 Atlantic Ave Blue Point, NY 11715


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