“Things turn out the best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.”
-John Wooden
These are certainly adverse times. We have been through a lot during our 88 years of business at Bayport Flower Houses, but this is certainly a new challenge unlike we’ve ever seen. Like all challenges that we have met over the many generations here at Bayport Flower Houses, we will certainly learn from this and grow smarter and stronger. Our family has been working hard to keep the beautiful greenhouse crops happy and healthy during this shutdown. Planting summer annuals certainly gives one hope for a beautiful future!
We do have some exciting news! While the Bayport Flower Houses gates remain closed to protect both our staff and our community, we are happy to report that we got the OK from New York State, and our plants, flowers, soils, plant food and mulches will now available through our delivery service and front gate pick up (at scheduled times).
Beginning, Monday, March 30, 2020, You can reach us in one of FOUR ways to place orders:
CALL US at 631-472-0014 and we’ll take your order as we normally do. If you happen to get the answering machine, please state your name and contact phone number so we can call you back
EMAIL US at either Karl@BayportFlower.com or Christine@BayportFlower.com to place an order, please be sure to include your name and contact phone number when sending us an email.
ONLINE ORDERS-FLOWER SHOP:Our Flower Shop order site will be re-opened on Monday, March 30 at www.bayportflower.net or by clicking on “click here to order flowers” on our www.bayportflower.com website. Here you can order flowers and plants to send as gifts to people who you would love to celebrate with but can’t at this time, We are working to get the variety of flowers you are accustomed to at Bayport Flower Houses, if we are not able to get a certain flower we will call you to provide excellent alternatives.
ONLINE ORDERS-GARDEN CENTER:And we are working diligently to complete an abbreviated online GARDEN CENTER ONLINE STORE at www.BayportFlower.com. Early this coming week you should see order information on our site and you will have the ability to purchase plants and supplies you need to get gardening or to beautify and uplift your home. We can then either deliver them to you (following all the safety protocols we put in place.) or arrange a time for you to pick them up from our Montauk Highway gate.
Maybe we are partial, but nothing uplifts the soul like a beautiful pot of tulips or a colorful bouquet of fresh cut flowers. Well, maybe digging in the garden too!
Stay well, be strong and take this time to reconnect with nature…it always knows best!
Carpe diem,
Karl Auwaerter and Christine Saroka, Owners
Bayport Flower Houses