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In Person Boating Classes Begin Again

By Kate Berube

Planning to operate a motorboat or JetSki this summer? Patchogue Bay Power Squadron, a non-profit group that teaches boating safety, has announced the return of in-person ABC boating classes, which allow attendees to learn the basics of boating and earn the NYS Boating Certification. The classes will be offered on two consecutive Saturdays, April 17 and April 24 at Long Island Maritime Museum in West Sayville. Both classes will be held outdoors, and masks and social distancing will be required. The cost of the course is $75 per person and covers course materials.

As of January 2020, all boaters in NYS are required under Brianna’s Law to complete and carry proof of a NYS Boating Certification. Age groups are being phased in over the course of the next several years to ensure everyone can comply with the law.

· Born on or after Jan. 1, 1993 will need a boating safety certificate beginning in 2020.

· Born on or after Jan. 1, 1988 will need a boating safety certificate beginning in 2022.

· Born on or after Jan. 1, 1983 will need a boating safety certificate beginning in 2023.

· Born on or after Jan. 1, 1978 will need a boating safety certificate beginning in 2024.

· All motorboat operators regardless of age will need a boating safety certificate beginning in 2025.

Anyone operating a Personal Watercraft (JetSki™, Wave Runner™, etc.) must currently have a boating safety certificate regardless of age, and must be at least 14 years old. NYS Boating Certification is a lifetime certification and can be added to your NYS issued driver’s license, non-driver ID card, or learners permit. It’s represented by a small anchor on your ID and will automatically be added each time you renew.

Spots are limited, to register contact:

Mary Sullivan | LI Maritime Museum | Call: 631-854-4974 | Email:



Contact Gala for more details!

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207 Atlantic Ave Blue Point, NY 11715


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