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Two Students Bring Movie Night to BPE

By Kate Berube

Photos by Kate Berube

Blue Point Elementary School’s recent Outdoor Movie Night, put together as a fun way to raise funds for new playground equipment, was a smashing success. The event was the creative brainchild of 4th grade students Jane Raymond and Finn Lauri, both members of Dr. Hearney’s Superintendent Student Council. The industrious students put together a thorough and persuasive proposal that they then presented at a BPE’s PTA meeting. The PTA immediately voted to go forward with the idea.

Tickets sold out in a matter of days and raised over $800 toward their goal! Talented parent-volunteer Aimee Loluicci built the movie screen stand constructed with materials donated by Brinkmann’s Hardware Store and set up the equipment that enabled them to broadcast Honey I Shrunk the Kids to the families that happily gathered on blankets outside to enjoy the show.

Jane and Finn stood at the entrance checking off names and provided popcorn to the arriving moviegoers. Their vision was made possible by the tireless efforts of the BPE PTA and the support of Principal Falasco, who was overjoyed to see so many people coming out to support a great cause.

Another outdoor movie night is already in the works for this Fall!



Contact Gala for more details!

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207 Atlantic Ave Blue Point, NY 11715


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